Saturday, August 31, 2013

 Gestures and getting started on some box forms.
A parrot frog. Both animals are very colorful so I thought that it would be fun to combine them. I like the way this one came out except for the background which could have been much more colorful.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Gestures and the last of the squishy people. 
a shot from the movie John Carter of Mars.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

 Gestures and some more detailed Squishy shape people
This guy came out as a weird cyber punk version of Bane from Batman though that wasn't my intent. My original idea was a boar man with some cyber punk elements and it just kind of went from there. Some of the muscles here are over defined which has been a recurring problem for me, gotta work on that subtlety. The only thing boar like about this that made through is his bandanna with the large tusks and that was inspired by some of those old Japanese paintings of demons, but the ideas are random and are really more to get the creative juices flowing not to provide a rigid structure.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Gestures and some people drawn using the squishy shape from the Vilppu Manual.

A shot from Scott Pilgrim VS the World.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

 Gestures and some squishy shapes from the Vilppu Drawing Manual.
I used Islamic architecture for the building and the Pacific rain forest as inspiration. Some of the edges look way to soft but the atmosphere looks good. Buildings are a problem for me I'm starting to realize and that's something that I'll need to work on.

Monday, August 26, 2013

 I've got the cobweb cleaned off at this point and feel much better about these ones than the last couple.
I feel okay about this. Because it's so quick there's a lot that I would have liked to get done that remains unfinished, her head dress and arms seem to be the biggest problems here.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

More gestures and Vilppu copies.

A painting from the Fifth Element. I feel pretty good about this one even if the details are pretty sparse.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Some more gesture drawings and more Vilppu stuff.

A shot from Thor. Feel a like there's something lifeless about the way he's standing and his facial expression.

Friday, August 23, 2013

 Going back to doing daily gestures along with doing some copies from the Vilppu Drawing Manual. Feeling kind of rusty on the gestures right now but I get better.
A island city guarded by towers. I feel kinda meh about this one. Some of the stuff here is working but I left way to much unfinished.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A quick painting of a farm in ruins. I really like the way this came out, the atmosphere looks nice and creepy. There are a couple of things that I would have liked to put some more detail into but for a three hour painting I like it. 

Some character sketches that ended up in one of my paintings and a couple that didn't make it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

 A shot from Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings. This came out okay, I like the way the light works but the rest looks kinda muddy.
Some figures where I drew out the planes to try and get a better idea of how the planes of the human body work. below that a face and a very light sketch of some kind of gauntlet weapon.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

 Kat Dennings from 2 Broke Girls. This one was quick and so there's a bunch of stuff that I would have like to do better. Maybe I should start doing some longer studies. hmmmmmm.
WONDER WOMAN. I had just watched the DC animated Wonder Woman movie so I decided to draw her. That movie is really good I think that any live action movie should draw from that movie because it is a nicely paced movie with good action and characters. There are some parts that come off as weird and Wonder Woman has some straw feminist moments but I think with live action some of those things could be smoothed over. Also a monster and some quick faces.  

Monday, August 19, 2013

 A shot form the Earth TV series by the BBC. I really liked the way the mountains were above the clouds it looked very mystical. I think that I got some of that across but I still feel like I could have done more.
Some sketches done for my speed paintings in the top left and bottom right corners. the faces are my attempts to draw the cast of the Big Bang Theory with out reference, trying to get the character across more than getting a likeness. I think I was mostly successful except for Bernadette at the top.  Shes normally very cheerful but the episode I had just watched before drawing this she was really pissed at her fiancee for something.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

 A portrait done in the style of JC Leyendecker who is one of my favorite artists. this took about four or five hours and while its not perfect I do really like it.
Not rally sure who this guy was supposed to be. I'm sure there was some story or reason that I drew him I just can't remember right now. Below him some buildings.
 A shot from TRON Legacy a movie that I like despite most people not liking it. For this one I was focusing on the scale of the room and I think that I pulled that part off. Some of the colors look off and there is some unevenness. Not my favorite one of these studies but not bad.
More figures studies trying to get the figure down. Also some portraits of some characters from a comic I'm working on and on the bottom left a quick portrait of a friend of mine done while we were hanging out.

I'll be doing a double post today because I had to work late and wasn't able to post until now.

Friday, August 16, 2013

This quick painting has two things that I struggle with, lizards and sci-fi armor. While I think that this one has its good points to me it really highlights my weaknesses as an artist. Parts of the armor look off either by being impractical or fitting together in a way that would be awkward. Only slightly better is the lizard part of this; he looks good as a lizard but to me he doesn't look intelligent enough, part of the problem is his stance and I think the other is that his face. In spite of these problems I think that its not a bad painting, not great, but not bad.
A road to a walled off city and some quick figures.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

 From the TV adaptation of the book Going Postal. While there is a lot of unfinished stuff in this painting I like how it looks overall, the colors, brushstrokes and the composition are things that I like in this painting. That said it was only a two hour painting and looks very rough.
Another sketchbook page at the top a garage or machine shop of some sort then bellow are some quick figures one of whom is Starfire from the Teen Titans comic book.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A raven with some ram horns atop a pile of skulls. This is one of my weekly speed paintings and in light of how quick this was ( a little under three hours) I think that it came out really well. There are some obvious issues like the total lack of a background, the feathers on the raven aren't as defined as I would like them and some of the skulls need work. But I do like a lot of what is going on with the composition and the lighting, the feathers still seem to read as feathers even if the're loosely defined. Originally the black bar on the side I was going to crop out but I grew to like it there. 
some kind of road leading into a canyon at the top here along with some quick figures at the bottom.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

 A still from the movie Suckerpunch. I love the visuals in this movie and not just because there is an abundance of beautiful women in the movie. Say what you want about Zack Snyder he does know how to frame a shot very dramatically and this movie is full of that kind of framing especially in the fantasy sequences.
Some sketch book stuff for the next week or so just to kind of clear all that stuff out while I start on my next big project. Here's some shots that was done for a project that I have since abandoned or at least put on hold for a while until I learn more about painting machines and other mechanical things. Also at the bottom some gestures that I fleshed out.

Monday, August 12, 2013

 A shot from Warehouse 13. I really like Claudia and she has some great gestures so I decided to paint one. I think that this came out okay, the background came out a bit dark but I like the way Claudia came out.
Whooo last page.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

 A shot of Jabba Palace from Return of the Jedi. For the most part I like the way that this came out there are some rough edges but over all the atmosphere is good and the terrain looks like a rocky desert.
Page 31 is the second to last page of these Hogarth copies

Saturday, August 10, 2013

 Back to the movie studies for a little bit. This is a shot from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, I'm not sure which one though. This is the character who starts off as a witch but is relieved to be Calypso. This painting came out pretty good even if it lacks a lot a polish. The features look right and the colors are good. My self imposed time limit keeps me from getting stuff really finished looking but it ensures that I don't dwell to long on one painting.
Page 30 and I'm almost done.

Friday, August 9, 2013

A quick painting of a warrior in some wasp inspired armor. I like the way the lighting works in this one both the main light and the secondary red light.
Page 29 some foreshortening.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A creature based on the goblin shark. They have these cool snouts that look like the skin was pulled up over the mouth. I was really happy with the way it turned out even if the tail gets kind of lost in the background.
Page 28 has a little bit of everything that I suck at. Hands, heads and foreshortening, oh my.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I have very mixed feelings about this painting. As far as color and composition go I'm pretty happy however there's a lack of detail and refinement that leaves the whole thing feeling very unfinished to me. It is a speed painting so I never intended it to be very finished or detailed but this could really use some more detail to give it some extra life.
Heads and legs on page 27.