Tuesday, December 31, 2013

 Gestures and Sunstone copies.
My favorite painting of this last year.

Over the next year I'm not going to be posting two pictures every day. I want to spend more time on longer pieces and that means less time for studies that I do just for practice. I'll still post every day but now it will just be my daily warm up and then on the week ends I'll post two things that will hopefully be more finished pieces.

My New Years resolutions are

-Get L.O.S.T. up and running (that's the comic I'm working on)
-Draw or paint every day for a minimum of five hours, ten hours if I can manage it.
-Get a better job (hopefully art related)

I feel good about 2014.

Monday, December 30, 2013

 Gestures and Sunstone copies.
An alien character for the comic me and my friend are working on. He's kind of a handler for the character from the last post.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

 Gestures and Sunstone copies.
A character for a comic that I'm working on with a friend of mine. Also some bus sketches.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

 Gestures and Sunstone copies.
Trying out a few faces and hair styles for a character and also trying out some poses.

Friday, December 27, 2013

 Gestures and Sunstone copies.
I finished the Pin-up whooooooo! I like the way this came out for the most part. There are some issues that I have but over all not bad.
So doing a double post today since I didn't post on Christmas and I decided to do this meme again. I have made a ton of progress this year and I think that I'll do even better next year. Also 500th Post!!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

 Gestures and Sunstone copies
Designs for a monk type character. Wanted to give him a paunchy friendly look sort of like Iroh from Avatar. I think that I could have pushed the paunchyness a little more but overall I like it.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

 More Pacific Rim, sort of. It's hard to tell with gestures because they strip away so much of the details but that is part of the point of gestures. Any way using VLC I captured a bunch of still from that movie and have be gun to do 60 second gestures of the poses. Also Sunstone copies.
BAM! Okay this isn't done but it is the line work and the tattoos that I think fit the best.

Monday, December 23, 2013

 Last of my constructed gestures for a while. I liked doing them but since I'm about a week away from finishing my Sunstone copies I feel like I should move back to doing regular gestures so look for that tomorrow.
Some light studies for my X-mas pin up.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

 Constructed gestures and Sunstone copies.
X-mas themes tattoos done for my x-mas Pin-up.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

 More stuff from the drawing jam. I hope that I can do more stuff like this in the future, I think that It was very helpful.
Pin-up line work and color studies. For a X-mas themed pin up that I'm doing.

More stuff from my life drawing jam a couple weeks ago.
Last of the Pacific Rim studies. Was having a drink with some co workers so I just got back in I'll post twice today.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

So this was my first experiment with constructed gestures that I did in my sketchbook while I was visiting my mom. I also did some Sunstone copies that are from a few pages ago.
Second to last study like this. This is one of those things that I could do a lot of because it has been so helpful.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

So about a week ago I went to a drawing jam at a fine art school. It was a lot of fun and I got a lot of drawing done and since most of it was gesture stuff I thought that I would throw it in with this other gesture stuff. These where done with markers, the black ones where 60 seconds and the two tone where five minutes I think. Some of these came out really nice I was actually shocked at some of them.
A couple more of these and I'll be done but I think that they have really helped me.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Constructed gestures and Sunstone copies.
Pacific Rim! I'll be a little sad when I'm done with these studies because I love this movie. I hope they make a sequel and it doesn't suck.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Constructed gestures and Sunstone copies.
Foreground, midground, and background studies. I think that I'll do these for a week then move onto something else. These are really useful I can already see the difference in some of the thumbnails for my own work.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Constructed gestures and Sunstone copies.
Foreground, midground, and background studies.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Constructed gestures and Sunstone copies.
Another Ctrl+paint exercise this time looking at foreground, middle ground and background. I took a bunch of stills from the movie Pacific Rim and now I'm going to break up some of the frames into just those three sections with various shades of grey. Should be interesting because of the kaiju and the jeagers size and thats the reason I chose this movie. well that and the fact that it was an awesome movie directed by onw of my favorite directors Guillermo Del Toro.

Friday, December 13, 2013

These ones aren't as finished as I would like but still good. Also Sunstone copies. 
Another boring but practical exercise from ctrl+paint. The goal here was to blend between the faces on these shapes. I think I did alright.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

This kind of exercise shows me how much I still need to work on with my anatomy. But it also shows me how far I've come in the last couple of years because there is no way I could have done something like this a couple of years ago.
Some ctrl + paint blending exercises. Boring to look at but useful to do.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

 Trying out something a little different. I did six poses and then spent some time putting the muscles on them. I think that it came out pretty good. Also Sunstone copies.
These took a little longer than I wanted them to, each square took about two hours and overall I feel pretty good about them. The two on the right are my favorites.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

 Gestures and Sunstone copies.
Part three of the Oatley academy. The top left is a replica of the original paintings lighting and colors the next ones will have different lighting set ups.
 Gestures and Sunstone copies
Part two of the Oatley academy Magic Box assignment. I think that this came out good. It needs some clean up but it will look better after I paint it. I had a VERY LONG day today so I wasn't able to post until now. I'll post again later today after I get some sleeeeep. glorious sleeeeeeeeep.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

 Gestures and Sunstone copies
Bats! I've started the Magic box class done by Chris Oatley and this is part of the first assignment and I'll post the rest over the next couple of days.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

 Gestures and Sunstone copies
 Another ctrl+paint perspective exersise.
Because the perspective thing was so simple I thought that I would throw this in as well because this is what I'm going to try and do for my gestures. Do a very basic gesture in 60 seconds and then build the form on top of that.